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Flu Season in New York

It's Flu Season!

Flu (influenza) is a seasonal upper airway and lung infection that causes fever and a cough or sore throat. It is most common during the fall and winter months. Every year, about 2,000 New Yorkers die of seasonal flu and pneumonia, which can develop as a complication of the flu.

During the week of February 1, 2020, influenza activity level was still reported as "widespread" for the 10th consecutive week according to the New York State Department of Health. There have been three influenza-associated pediatric deaths reported this season.

View the full NY State Department of Health Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report here:

Each year, millions of children get sick with seasonal flu and thousands of children are hospitalized.

3 Actions to Fight Flu

1. Get your flu shot

The flu shot is not a magic cloak that prevents the flu. The flu shot helps your body build memory cells to fight against the flu if you are exposed. Flu shots can be lifesaving.

2. Stop the spread

This is done by washing your hands frequently, cover your cough with your elbow, avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose and stay home if you are sick.

3. Take antiviral medication if prescribed.

If you have sudden onset of fever and body aches call your healthcare provider quickly. If you are prescribed antivirals take them as instructed.